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Adult Basic Education offers programs unique to Agassiz Area

Conference showcases students and teachers
Back Row: Bobbi Jacob, A-H Community Services; Leonne Beebe, Literacy Co-ordinator; Michelle Vandepol, UFV; Shannon Chapman, Seabird College; Sandy Balascak, ACE, Mary Shahan, ESL Tutor, Community Services; Front Row: ACE Students: Vincent Point, Francis Oliver, Leslie Johnson, Tisha Weiss; David Oliver, Seabird College.

This year, the Adult Basic Education of BC Conference’s Community Panel Presentation showcased the Agassiz area. For a small community, adults living in the Agassiz area have easy access to courses and programs to complete their Adult Dogwood graduation certificate at secondary, First Nations, and post-secondary centres.

Sandy Balascak and her students shared their experiences at the Agassiz Centre for Education (ACE), which combines teaching teens and adults in one easy-to-find location in Agassiz.

David Oliver and Shannon Chapman introduced the Seabird College, which offers its Adult Dogwood courses to both First Nations and non-First Nations adults with bus transportation provided to its Seabird Island First Nations site.

Seabird College also offers a variety of trades and career programs. Michelle Vandeopl, the UFV Hope Centre Co-ordinator, outlined the Upgrading and University Prep courses designed to prepare adults to complete their Adult Dogwood and/or take only the pre-requisite courses needed to enter their certificate, diploma and degree programs.

For adults wanting to improve their English and math skills before starting their Adult Dogwood courses, Leonne Beebe, the Community Access to Literacy and Learning Co-ordinator explained that support is available through drop-in tutor sessions at Community Services.

ESL classes taught by tutors like Mary Shahan, help adults improve their reading, writing and speaking skills. Community Services’ Executive Director, Bobbi Jacob, outlined the services available for teens and adults while they are students, complimenting the positive support and networking that is visible among the program providers. For information, call or drop in to Community Services.