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Senior Happenings: Signing off for the summer

Observer columnist kicking up heels for the hot weather

It took only a few sunny, gorgeous days to make Ruthy and I realize what we were missing for too long. And so, we decided to take the rest of spring and the summer off!

We will visit with family and friends, go for walks and picnics, bumber around, sit on the deck and smell the roses.

But what will happen to your "psycho story" about Nick and Sophy, Ruthy asked?  Oh, I said, perhaps I will write this while sitting on the deck. Mind you, I do not think it is a "psycho story", paranormal, perhaps, would be the better word, so it will have some scary parts in it. But then, what will you do about your pick-of-the-month TV advertisement critiques you promised? Oh, well, perhaps I will collect them over the summer and have an award night in the fall! There you have it, Ruthy always has an easy answer, doesn't she?

Ruthy, of course, is my fun ego as most of you know. But, there is a third person in our group: it's Carol!  She is for real, types and e-mails all our articles and even picks them up at our house. It is quite a system and works very well. Carol, however, is also an avid gardener and, I am sure, will be happy to have more time to plant and tend to her garden. And, should we get bored, we can always let you know about especially nice places we bumbered "into"!

With thanks to all our readers and especially to Jessica, the editor, and the staff of the Observer, we wish you all a very nice summer. Read us again in the fall.