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Choir's time to sing again

'We proved ourselves worthy' at Chofest

On September 19, 7 pm, at the Harrison Memorial Hall, the HHS Multicultural Choir met for the first 2011 Fall Season practice. After staging a successful Seniors' Chorfest in April, the choir took a much deserved summer break, but now is ready and eager for more. This is an ideal time to join the choir, it is a chance to start a new season together with the members. So, if you feel like checking us out, come to the Memorial Hall on a Monday evening and see what it is all about.

Singing is healthy and good for you. Some time ago, I read an article written by Victoria Stratton, a freelance writer and longtime chorister herself. She writes about health studies done in England, Germany and the USA, all pointing out that singing in a choir might provide many health benefits.  Most prominently mentioned were better breathing, better posture and a boost to our immune system. Singing also acts as a great stress reliever and challenges our grey matters!

We usually give two concerts per year, one in the Spring and one before Christmas.  We also sing at the Agassiz Caroling Fest and sometimes join the students of the Kent elementary school during their concerts.

Our choir is in good financial standing. The fee for the fall session is $40 and the fee for the Winter session, because it is a longer time, is $50.  That's $90 for the year and includes the loan of music and practice tapes. It is a price that is hard to beat.

The HHS Multicultural Choir was founded in the year 1997. It provided us with an ongoing learning curve, with the seniors' Chorfest being the culmination of our work. At this point,  I would like to mention that — so the Chorfest was comprised of "choirs with seniority" — it was astonishing how well we did in every way. A Chorfest of this type is not for the weak and, I think, we proved ourselves worthy. There were long days, tough workshops, songs which were a step up from what we usually sing, the weather, which is never the greatest in April and yet, we took it all in stride.

This does not mean, however, that one has to be a senior to become a member of our choir — far from it!  Our choir is open to all ages and voice ranges and it is exactly this mix which makes our choir interesting.

Our choir director is Brenda DiRezze and our accompanist is Beccie Bokenfohr — two ladies who have taught us for many years and never tired of it.  We cannot thank them enough!

Ruth Altendorf is a regular weekly columnist for the Agassiz Harrison Hope Observer, writing her views of current events as they happen in and around Harrison Hot Springs.