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Public urged to stay away from restricted areas near Harrison Fire

People crossing restricted areas near Harrison Lake fire have been warned to stay clear by officials

The public has been warned to stay away from restricted areas created to protect people from the 115 hectare fire burning north of Harrison Lake.

See: Harrison Fire

The closed off section is under surveillance with security on high alert for potential boundary violators. People are urged to stay away from the area to prevent interference with operations, especially boaters who are interfering with air support.

“Even if people do get in they can be sure they will be seen with our six helicopters and air support operations,” Fire Operations Noelle Kekula told The Observer.

Safety is the big issue but it’s also important that crews be undisturbed as they work to contain the blaze.

Campsites near the area are still under evacuation until further notice.

See: Campsites Evacuated and Fire Ban Warning