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Getting frustrated by dangerous Agassiz crossing

Too many close calls will mean tragedy one day, fears letter writer

I am getting very frustrated with crossing the road for pedestrians at the lights by super value. I always cross there, usually on a daily basis and sometimes I end up pressing the button 4-5 times because traffic doesn't understand to stop. I walk with my 2 year old and I don't chance crossing most times when traffic isn't paying attention. I'm not jeprodizing our lives. I've had vehicles slam on their brakes when I'm already on the road and others just keep turning! When there is no green flashing arrow that means they yield.

I think something needs to be done. I don't know what but it needs to be safer to cross that road. Something to show drivers they HAVE to stop and let pedestrians walk. My husband is on the Agassiz fire department and I know how many pedestrian accidents he's been to and I don't want one to be us or any other children or anyone for that matter.

I hope who ever gets this does discuss it with who ever can help. I don't want this situation to just be disregarded. I've been deign with this since I moved here three years ago.

Jessica Scott