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Harrison country artist named honourary firefighter

Harrison's own country artist Todd Richard was recently named an honourary firefighter for the Harrison Hot Springs Fire Department. The HHSFD said Richard has "always been a strong advocate for us as first responders.
Local country artist Todd Richard receives a crest and helmet from Harrison Fire Chief Curtis Genest after Richard was recently named an honourary firefighter.

Harrison's own country artist Todd Richard was recently named an honourary firefighter for the Harrison Hot Springs Fire Department. 

The HHSFD said Richard has "always been a strong advocate for us as first responders." After he sang "O Canada" at the fire department's annual Canada Day pancake breakfast, Fire Chief Curtis Genest surprised Richard with a helmet and crest. 

"Thank you Todd, for your dedication to our community and for always standing by us," The HHSFD said in a recent social media post "We are grateful for your advocacy." 

Richard said the honour "made for a very special Canada Day." 

Adam Louis

About the Author: Adam Louis

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