Thousands of people flocked to Agassiz and Harrison Hot Springs for Canada Day to celebrate all things Canadian throughout the day and night on Monday.
Kent Mayor Sylvia Pranger said Canada Day's gatherings are all about diversity, inclusion and unity among all Canadian citizens and residents.
"It's a day to (build) better, equitable relationships and to create a brighter future for generations to come," she added. Pranger highlighted the construction of the Lets'emot Regional Recreation and Aquatic Centre – which broke ground just weeks ago – as an example of the communities within the district coming together for the greater good.
"It is the culmination of years of hard work, dedication and determination to provide residents with a space where they can come together, thrive and grow," she said.
Chilliwack-Kent MLA Kelli Paddon visited both Agassiz and Harrison Hot Springs to deliver a few words on Canada Day.
Part of the celebration (of Canada Day) is also recognizing the Canada that we are now and the Canada that we're becoming," Paddon said.
Former Cheam First Nation Chief Andrew Victor spoke as well, delivered greetings from himself, Cheam elders and on behalf the Cheam community. The Cheam First Nation is part of the Pil’alt tribe, the territory of which stretches from the Chilliwack River toward Jones Hill, Mount Woodside, the east side of Harrison Lake and into the Fraser Canyon. The District of Kent is on traditional Stó:lo territory, neighbouring the Cheam, Seabird Island, Sq’éwlets and Sts’ailes First Nations communities.
Harrison's acting mayor Leo Facio said Canada Day is not only a celebration of the country but to acknowledge Canada's journey toward reconciliation with First Nations communities across Canada.
"I'm grateful here today with all to celebrate on the traditional territory of Sts'ailes," he added.
Sts'ailes Coun. Boyd Peters spoke on behalf of the community.
"We really appreciate the respect and the significance of our ancient village site here and the relationship we have with the Village of Harrison Hot Springs," Peters said.
Peters highlighted the recent opening of the Sasquatch Museum.
"It was a real significant event for us to be able to really take part in what kind of exhibits, what kind of stories, what kind of songs are in that museum for the Sasquatch," he said. Sasquatch Days – an annual, weekend-long celebration of Sts'ailes culture and canoe race competition – took place the weekend before.