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District of Kent Q&A: Sylvia Pranger

District of Kent: Pranger, Sylvia - council candidate
Sylvia Pranger

Q:  What do you see as the main issue in Agassiz and how do you propose Council can address it?


A: Fostering a trust relationship and fairness to all citizens when establishing bylaws, policies and procedures.  Keep an open ongoing dialogue.

When council appoints advisory committees - take their advice seriously.  While walking around the community the people gave many good ideas and voiced concerns.  We need to keep that dialogue going.  Council will be elected to a four-year term this time.  Council should give serious consideration to an annual stewardship meeting so we can report to the citizens on projects, progress of work projects and receive feedback.  Be transparent in our governance.

Form relationships with Volunteer and Community groups and neighboring municipalities to keep a pulse on what else is going on.  Seek advice in the differing fields of knowledge in our community.

Q: The Municipality needs to collect taxes to provide sufficient services to all of its members. Explain the benefits or pitfalls in providing tax breaks to businesses or farms as you understand it.

A: Take a look at the mill rate on all classes including residential, make sure there is a fair distribution.  On the flip side of the equation council and staff need to run the municipality as efficiently as possible and tighten our belt fiscally.  Maybe council should set an example by reducing their own salary.  Look at reinstating the Downtown Improvement bylaw, which helps businesses and does not cost taxpayers anything.  Use the advice of local knowledge and expertise.  Ask individual businesses what they need to become successful.  Continue learning from others what works and what does not.  Bring a common sense attitude toward decision-making.

Q: While the community elects the Mayor and Councillors, the District staff does the day-to-day work of running operations. If elected, how do you plan to foster relationships within the workplace to keep the District running smoothly?

A: When council sets a very clear direction it sets the tone for a good relationship.  There should be a team environment where everyone’s contribution is valued.

Abide by good governance and oversight duties.  Value the input provided by all staff no matter whether they occupy the corner office or clean the office.  Give all staff the opportunity to live up to their full potential.  Its’ all about respect, trust and diversity.