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Daily exercise cheaper than any medicine

It's use them or lose them when it comes to muscles

I find it hard to understand why people would be against the expansion of the gym. Most of taxes are going on health care. Governments and doctors tell us to move and lose weight. From what I hear if people would move more, exercise their bodies they were given, they would not only extend their life but have the feeling of well being.

As a frequent gym goer, especially in the last two years, I have seen people over 80 years of age come to the gym to extend their chance of living longer and feeling so much better.

I had a consultation with my doctor. Before leaving he said "what pills are you on?" What do you mean pills? I'm on nothing. At 75, that tells me I'm on the right track when it comes to my health.

I also hear a lot of women in particular: "Oh, I don't need the gym, by the time I do my house work up and down the stairs I'm all in at the end of the day."

I got news for you, even if it is some exercise it does not make up your body. There is a lot more to it. Especially when we get over the hill age, remember if you don't use the muscles you will for sure lose them. There are so many programs every day at least one of them would fit you.

So, get off your butt. For those against it, stop whining and pay the extra tax, it's cheaper than being a guest at your nearest hospital.

Marceline Billis