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Nature beautiful but unforgiving

'This issue here though is once again the shifting of the onus onto something - or someone - else.

Dear Editor,

Re: Grieving families deliver video message, The Observer Aug.6

After watching the video of the friends of Duong and Reid. I finally feel strong enough to speak out. I truly sympathize with the families and friends. God knows I don't think I could go on if I had to lose one of my own.

The issue here though is once again the shifting of the onus onto something - or someone else.

Every person in that video, except one, calls for signing and warnings to be installed.  However, every young person is soo savvy when it comes to looking up information, would not even one of them have thought to look up the area they were in? Nature is beautiful but can be unforgiving!

These people are not teenagers. Please let's put things in perspective and take responsibility for our actions. INFORMATION IS EVERYWHERE, DON'T TAKE CHANCES!

Adriana Peters
