A grant proposal for $25,000 towards Story Time in the Park, submitted by Maureen Kehler was approved by the Pepsi Refresh Project. Here’s a chance to help raise funds for this program without spending any money. “Sounds great, right?” says Kehler, in charge of promotion and fundraising. The group needs community members, friends and family to sign up and vote every day to take full advantage of this amazing opportunity. Voting began in early March and ends April, 30th. The winner will be announced May 1st.
The Pepsi Refresh Project is geared towards businesses and non-profit organizations with ideas that will have a positive impact on their communities. Ideas are submitted and if approved, the applicant needs to promote their idea and get the most votes to win the grant. Voting for Story Time in Park is done online at www.refresheverything.ca, by signing up for an account and voting every day.
Story Time in the Park is a barrier-free literacy program that takes place in the parks of four communities, Hope, Boston Bar, Agassiz and Harrison. This amazing program offers family entertainment, a nutritious light lunch and a book for each family to take home and enjoy. “Not only does this program draw families, including tourists into the downtown cores, it builds a great sense of community involvement”, says Kehler, of the Fraser-Cascade Literacy Centre.
Story Time in the Park is run under New Page Human Services Society, a not for profit charitable organization with a mandate to provide literacy programs, events, resources and a drop-in centre to Hope and area. These services are provided and supported through pages Bookstore and the Fraser-Cascade Literacy Centre.
So head downtown this summer and enjoy Story Time in the Park with friends and family in your community.