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Agassiz Christian School ‘egg-cited’ to gift chickens to families abroad

Students will donate at least 100 live chickens to families in Bangladesh, Cambodia and India
Left to right: Agassiz Christian School Grade 4 students Taeo Boer and Alivia Van Laar, and Grade 3 student Lukas Gauthier, stand with the “chicken farm” bulletin board the school is using to track how many live chickens it can order for families in Bangladesh, Cambodia and India through the World Renew charity. (Agassiz Christian School/Contributed)

The Agassiz Christian School has raised enough money to buy at least 100 chickens for families in Bangladesh, Cambodia and India.

On Dec. 4, school administrators asked students to start bringing in their spare change. And after less than two weeks, students and their families donated $400 — enough to order at least 100 live chickens for other families in need.

SEE ALSO: Agassiz Christian School unveils new logo

According to the World Renew charity that the school will be placing the order through, families can raise chickens for eggs, meat and manure, and to earn enough income to meet their basic needs for food, clothing, and school fees.

School administrators told the Observer that each time they raise enough money to order another chicken, students add a paper chicken to their “chicken farm” bulletin board.

Meanwhile, the students are also learning about the United Nations’ global goals to end poverty in all its forms and to end hunger by 2030.

To support the goals locally, the school will be holding a food drive in February to assist Agassiz-Harrison Community Services.

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