If your kids are looking for something creative to do this weekend, they may want to consider the movies.
But forget catching the latest film. The HELP Project is asking youth to create a movie with the message. They are working in partnership with the Agassiz Library to help create a space online that offers all pertinent resource information for children and youth in Agassiz and Harrison.
Last year, they held an art contest to help brighten up that website. This year, the contest is a move-making project.
The short videos can be a skit performed alone or with friends and family, or a music video. It can be animated, or it could simply be a recited poem — anything is possible.
The message should be about helping friends when they have sadness or doubts in life. The winners will earn prizes and have their video on the HELP website.
For information on how to enter, visit www.thehelpproject.ca or contact the Agassiz Library. Deadline is Mar. 31.