Something funny happened to me on the way to the Health and Wellness Fair - the Harrison Hot Springs Health and Wellness Fair, that is!
I had been looking forward to it because I knew that, with 34 exhibitors and vendors all promoting health, it would be a good one. I even had made two pots of super healthy soups to sustain the vendors — and then I missed the fair! Why? It was one of those "senior moments" we often talk about.
I had been up since 6 a.m., which is nothing unusual for me. I like to do things early in the morning when I am all by myself and concentrate on the task at hand. I was fine 'til after lunch, watching TV, ready to be picked up for the fair, when a great sense of being relaxed and tired overcame me. And, instead of fighting it, I let it be. I was back to normal by 4 p.m. when the fair was over! All was not lost, however: I was told that the soups were a "rousing success" and here are the recipes:
1. Lentil and Sweet Pepper Soup
You need:
2 each cups of red and brown lentils
2 each yellow, red, orange and green sweet peppers
1 large onion
some canola oil
Salt, curry, paprika and nutmeg to taste
You do:
Wash and rinse the lentils, put them in a large pot and cover them well with water. Bring it to a boil, stirring often.
Add more water and let it simmer. Wash the sweet peppers and cut them into bite-sized pieces (discarding the seeds) and add them to the lentils. Cut the onion, fry it in canola oil and add this also. Let it all simmer until soft and season to taste. I used 4 heaping teaspoons of curry powder, 2 heaping teaspoons of paprika, nutmeg and salt to taste. I like to season my dishes to the taste - at most, one can always add more if so desired.
2. Creamed Carrot/Orange Soup:
You need: Three bundles of large, organic carrots
1/2 can of concentrated orange juice
2 cups of half 'n' half cream
2 heaping teaspoons of curry and salt to taste.
You do:
Wash and cut the carrots, put them in a pot, cover them well with water and cook them 'til tender. Let them cool. Puree them - with the cooking water - in the blender. Put the mixture back in the pot and let it cook 'til hot, adding the orange juice, curry and salt. Add the half 'n' half cream at the end, stirring it over low heat for a while until it is all "fused". This soup can be eaten hot or cold - either way it is delicious!
I should mention, however, that the quantities I gave you are yielding 1 large pot of soup each recipe. Both these soups freeze very well and it is always nice to have these for a rainy day.
By the way, have you heard about my latest bumbering outing? It was another sunny day and Phil and Yvonne suggested to drive to Chehalis and walk to the Eagle Point Observation Deck. The parking lot and beginning of the walkway is situated at the right hand side of Morris Valley Road just after you pass the Sandpiper Golf Course. The pass way through the Eagle Point Park to the viewing platform is flat and easy to walk, about 1 km one way. Though the park, especially the Harrison Wetlands one, over looks from the deck, and both are best known for eagle watching in the fall, it is well worth a visit at any time of the year.
By now we had developed a good appetite and decided to have lunch at the Sasquatch Inn, which, at this time of the year and especially on a nice day, is already visited by a great number of motorcyclists or "bikers" for short. I could have felt out of place but did not. And, when one of the bikers turned out to be a long time friend of our family, I felt right at home. It's always nice to be included!