It was March 18 in the a.m. when Lea arrived at my house to move all the items for the “Welcome Bags” to the place where the “Bees” gathered, ready to do the stuffing.
It was the second work bee out of three just to do this. The bags will be given to participants in ChorFest this April. There were over 200 little sewing kits - made and donated by Marceline - and an equal amount of gift envelopes - made and donated by Lea. There were also over 200 little candy bundles put together during the first session, Here Is Harrison and, Chilliwack Outdoors tourist magazines, plus really good discount coupons from the merchants of our area, and there were many small surprise items. At 9 a.m. sharp, Marceline arrived to bring the “green bags”. Marceline is a very green-minded lady.
Soon after, Brenda came all the way from Rosedale to donate 200 note pads and pencils saying, “I love choir”. The “Bees” — seven in all — were already working and in exactly one hour and 30 minutes all was done! We don’t fool around!
People who saw us wondered why we worked at such a speed and Lea told them that we earn high wages! Ha! I think, however, that the fact of Lea wanting to go floor curling had something to do with it. So, at half past ten, our motorcade left in the direction of the HHS Memorial Hall where the bags (not the “Bees”) were to be stored.
Afterward it was lunch and a couple of rounds of Skip-Bo for relaxation! During the next work bee we will add bottles of water -donated by Nestle’s- and seedlings, donated by the choir. Thanks to our donors and the “Bees”: Marceline, Lea, Renate, Shirley, Trudy, Betty and Claire, our choir guests will receive the best stuffed bags ever!
Lea Jenkins, by the way, is also busy putting together the first Spring Market, in the HHS Memorial Hall, for the Easter weekend, April 23 - 24. The choir will be there as well to raise funds with a “Reno Sale.” It is amazing what people - or groups - gather over the years and perhaps there will be just the right item you are looking for!
As I am writing the sun is coming out and it promises to be a beautiful spring day. Yes, folks, it is March 20, Spring Equinox - I can’t believe it! It really just sprang at me! So here we are, with the Winter behind us! It really wasn’t too bad, was it? And now we are rested and ready for things to come our way.
P.S. My son-in-law, Phil, just suggested to go for a spin through the countryside - what a splendid idea!