50 Years Ago, 1961
• Fifty years ago people were complaining that spring had been unusually cold and wet, the third spring in a row. Planting of farmer’s cash crops of corn, peas and potatoes was seriously delayed.
• The District of Kent was given a new park by Mr. and Mrs. Acton Kilby, a 7.12 acre strip of land about a mile long bordering the Harrison River, stretching outside the dyke from the flood gate to the CPR bridge. The land was given in memory of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kilby who came to Harrison Mills in 1902, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barton, who were pioneers of the Cariboo.
• Seven teachers submitted their resignations from the Agassiz school: George Zebroff, K.K. Mac Donald, Janice Bairsto, Mrs. G. Waldon, Mrs. A. Bennewith, Mr. R. Campbell, and Mr. P. Young. Ken Alexander would replace the Superintendent of Schools, Mr. F. Thorstenson.
• In Port Douglas news, the health nurse from Coqualeeza Hospital in Sardis visited the community to vaccinate the children. A doctor and nurse from Agassiz accompanied her.
• Kittens were offered for sale in the newspaper for 5 cents each or 3 for 10 cents. Terms were available and the sellers offered free delivery.
- Echoes From the Past is submitted weekly by the Agassiz-Harrison Historical Society.