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Meat draw raises more than $10,000 for Agassiz-Harrison Museum

Proceeds will help restore the caboose in front of museum
Machine Tech general manager and co-owner Jim Vermeer is all smiles as he takes home a half-side of beef following a recent meat draw to benefit the Agassiz-Harrison Museum. (Photo/Kerstin Schwichtenberg)

A whopping $10,765 was raised during a recent meat draw to benefit the Agassiz-Harrison Museum.

The proceeds of the draw for three prizes – a half-side of beef as the grand prize and a quarter side of beef each for second and third prize – will go to help restore the caboose in front of the museum.

The Agassiz-Harrison Historical Society would like to thank everyone who bought tickets for the draw and thank the Schwichtenberg family for providing the meat.

Jim Vermeer won first prize, Agassiz Fire Chief Gerald Basten took second prize and Shannon van Biert took home third prize.


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The Agassiz-Harrison Museum is loacted on the corner of HIghway 7 and Pioneer Avenue. It’s situated on what once was a canadian Pacific Railway station built in 1893. It is one of the oldest wooden CP rail stations currently in existence.

Adam Louis

About the Author: Adam Louis

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