The draft Official Community Plan (OCP) for the Hemlock Valley is ready for residents to review.
After an information gathering phase, the Fraser Valley Regional District has released the 15 to 20-year draft OCP, which was triggered by the Province’s 2016 approval of the Hemlock Resort Master Plan.
The Resort Master Plan for what is now known as Sasquatch Mountain Resort outlines a major expansion of the resort base on Crown lands through five phases of development, including an expansion of the existing ski hill.
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But while the Resort Master Plan includes things like bed numbers and lift build-outs, the draft OCP is meant to provide “opportunities for the area to grow into a sustainable and vibrant resort community, manage public assets, and address potential issues associated with growth.”
The blueprint for future community development includes 11 policy chapters, each with an overarching goal statement. The policy chapters are: reconciliation; land use and housing; transportation and mobility; infrastructure and services; hazard and risk management; environment and natural resources; energy and climate change; community well-being; economic strength and resiliency; recreation, parks and trails; and urban design and the built form.
Goals in the draft plan include encouraging a compact development pattern, and prioritizing a safe and efficient road network to ensure residents can access outside services.
To gather feedback on the draft plan, the district will be hosting open houses and other events.
Updates with specific dates and locations will be posted on
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