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Thieves hit post office at Harrison Mills

The Harrison Mills Canada Post office is working to repair damages done to the office after a break in last Tuesday (June 28) night.
This is the third break-in at the tiny community post office

The Harrison Mills Canada Post office is working to repair damages done to the office after a break in last Tuesday (June 28) night.

The office was broken into and various things were stolen including two laptops, parcels, mail, boxes of files, stamps, envelopes, and gift cards.

“When I came the front door was open and the kitchen door was wide open and all the wires outside were cut,” said Kim Duncan, postmaster of the Harrison Mills office.

This was the office’s third break in, but Duncan found that it was the worst, not only because the thieves stole more than just mail this time, but also due to the damage caused to the office.

“This one was a lot more destructive — they kicked in both of the doors,” she said. “Everything was a mess. They went through everything, every drawer. Every time I go to get something it’s not there.”

Because the Harrison Mills office has already had working hours reduced, Duncan is unsure how this will affect the future of the office.

“It doesn’t bring good attention to us when something like this happens because it’s just another costly expense and a loss for Canada Post,”

But one of the perks of having an office in a small community like Harrison Mills, is how supportive customers are.

“I’ve had so many people say ‘is there something I can do to help?’,” Duncan said. “This is their post office. It’s personal to them too that this happened.”

Anyone with any details about the theft, is asked to call Agassiz RCMP at 604-796-2211.