Probyn Log Ltd.
Exemption Notice
Forest Stewardship Plan (ID #840) Amendment
Notice is hereby given that Probyn Log Ltd. (FL A75657), the Yale First Nation (NRFL A79507), the Cheam First Nation (NRFL A96396), Seabird Island Forestry Limited Partnership (NRFL A81096), and Skwo:wech Forestry Limited Partnership (NRFL A96967) have prepared and been granted approval of a Forest Stewardship Plan Amendment.
This Forest Stewardship Plan Amendment was prepared to address the addition of Skwo:wech Forestry Limited Partnership’s (Sq’ewlets First Nation) Non-Replaceable Forest License (NRFL) A96967 as a signatory to the Forest Stewardship Plan and all of the provisions contained within. No other material changes were made to the Forest Stewardship Plan.
Given the ‘minor’ nature of this Forest Stewardship Plan Amendment, the Plan Holders requested and were granted an exemption from Section 20(1), as provided under Section 20(3), of the Forest Planning and Practices Regulation. As required under Section 20(4) of the Forest Planning and Practices Regulation, the Plan Holders are herby providing notice that the Forest Stewardship Plan Amendment was approved on September 5, 2023 without having been made publicly available for review and comment. It is important to note that a referral of the Forest Stewardship Plan Amendment was made to all applicable First Nations regardless of the above-described exemption.
Should any individuals or organizations have any questions or comments, please contact Rob Deines, RPF of Chartwell Resource Group Ltd. by e-mail or phone (604) 973-1109.