Fraser Valley Regional District
Zoning Bylaw No. 1691, 2023
(Zoning Bylaw Housekeeping)
The purpose of Bylaw 1691, 2023 is to amend the FVRD Zoning Bylaw to improve its accuracy, clarity, and usability. Amendments can be summarized as:
» Minor edits: Improve clarity and readability through punctuation and italicization changes.
» List organization: Reorganize lists in alphabetical order for consistency and easy reference.
» Subdivision regulations: Revise text to clarify requirements for boundary adjustments. The amendment ensures accurate guidelines for subdividing land.
» Site-specific uses: Include specific uses for two lots that were omitted in the current zoning bylaw. This accommodates unique requirements for those locations.
» Mapping corrections: Rectify an error in the zoning bylaw mapping, the error involved designating a lot as PR instead of PRE. This correction ensures that the land use aligns correctly with the zoning designation.
Public Hearing
August 23, 2023
6:00 pm
View Bylaw
View copies of the bylawand relevant documents online at or at the FVRDOffice fromMonday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Submit Written Comments
Mail: Planning Department
Fraser Valley Regional District
1-45950 Cheam Ave
Chilliwack, BC V2P 1N6
Submissions must be received no later than noon on August 23, 2023. All submissions will be entered into the public hearing record.
Participate Via Zoom
By Phone
Call 1-778-907-2071 and enter the Meeting ID: 813 9612 1676
By computer, smartphone or tablet
Open the zoom app and enter the meeting ID or meeting link.
We recommend that you register to speak. Please contact the Planning Department at 604-702-5000 to register. Visit for detailed instructions on how to participate via Zoom.