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LETTER: Climate should be top priority in voting

Michelle Schreinders of Chilliwack says NDP, Greens team-up can be great for environment


I know an election is the last thing people want to talk about right now, but since it looks likeCanadians will be heading to the polls sooner than later, it’s time to have that conversation.

The climate emergency is my top voting issue, and I know I’m not alone. Canadians consistently rank it among their top three priorities, even though the pandemic and the economic crisis have dominated our lives for over a year.

It’s clear that Trudeau is going to pitch himself as the climate leader this country needs. The Conservatives make him look pretty good in contrast, but the fact is, he keeps putting off the climate action we know Canada needs to take. In the six years since he took office, Canada hasn’t decreased emissions, the federal government has continued to subsidize the fossil fuel industry, and the Liberals have failed to deliver on key climate promises like a Just Transition Act.

We’re talking about an existential threat here. “At least they’re better than the Conservatives,” isn’t going to cut it. That’s why I support a Climate Emergency Alliance between the NDP and the Green Party. It would offer climate-concerned voters a clear choice and, importantly, it would eliminate the fear of splitting the progressive vote. It’s great to see momentum building behind this idea and sincerely hope party leaders Jagmeet Singh and Annamie Paul will listen.

Michelle Schreinders


Adam Louis

About the Author: Adam Louis

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