The AHA swim team, consisting of Anton and Justine Stoeckly, Logan Sparkes, Nashon Douglas, Jaydin and Taylor Lees, Randolf and Hebrina McInroy, Alex Schwitenberg, Rachel Deschenes and Jordan Torok spent last weekend in Kamloops as part of the Fraser Valley regional team competing in the summer provincial swim competition.
All of the swimmers swam extremely well last weekend. The meet ran with finals and consolation finals, meaning that both places 1-8 and 9-16 swam again in finals. Ribbons were awarded to the top 16 swimmers. Every swimmer got at least one best time and everyone came home with a ribbon or a medal. In personal events, most of the swimmers placed in finals or consolation finals: Anton came 8th in 50 free, Logan came 16th in 50 fly, Nashon came 8th in 50 fly, Randolph came 9th in 50 breast, Hebrina came 15th in 50 fly, Jordan came 15th in 50 free and Rachel came 13th in 50 fly.
Swimmers on regional relays were selected from their division to represent the region with other top swimmers on a relay team. Anton helped his relay team win a bronze medal in the 200 IM relay! Alex, Nashon Anton and Jordan swam the 200 free relay together and came 11th. The regional girls Division 7 medley team was all Agassiz girls - Jaydin, Justine, Rachel and Taylor - and they came 12th.
So now the swimming is over till next May. Jordan says he is really proud of how well everyone swam. AHA really showed the province that Agassiz has a strong group of swimmers to contend with.