50 pairs of chum spawner salmon have been released into the Miami River, thanks to local conservationists.
The Miami River Streamkeepers Society is assisting the Department of Fisheries and Oceans with a chum salmon enhancement pilot project along the Miami River. They recently released 100 salmon, which were surplus fish from the Chehalis hatchery.
The fish were transported in big tanks on a flatbed truck to be let loose at the Harrison Hot Springs canoe launch site. Hatchery employees and the local DFO community advisor handled the release while several community members, including Harrison Hot Springs mayor Ed Wood, stood by to observe.
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The hardy chum salmon should be able to clean up some of the gravel in the Miami River system and create a more ideal environment for the fish. The adult spawners are being released this time rather than salmon fry, or baby salmon, because adult fish may integrate themselves more easily into the ecosystem and there will be less influence from the hatchery on their genetics.
Streamkeepers are always monitoring the chum for successful spawning. Their efforts have reaped rewards across the area as pairs of salmon have been spotted spawning from the local floodgates down to the Myng Crescent area toward the south end of the village.
RELATED: Environmental group releases tips for salmon viewing this season
The MRSS is always accepting sighting reports from the public. Go to www.miamiriverstreamkeepers.ca/contact-us to report your observations.
The MRSS is a group of volunteers advocating for the enhancement, protection and beautification of the Miami River. Their work includes restoring bank and riparian habitat, monitoring water quality and reducing pollutants and invasive species.
For more information about MRSS and their chum enhancement project, visit them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/miamiriverstreamkeepers.
adam.louis@ ahobserver.com
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