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Agassiz-Harrison officials encourage water conservation

Restrictions currently in place in Harrison only
(File Photo)

As B.C. weathers severe drought conditions, local officials are encouraging residents to proactively conserve water.

Unlike Harrison Hot Springs, the District of Kent does not have any specific water restrictions in place as of press time.

Placing district-wide water restrictions is a bit more complex in Kent than it would be in Harrison Hot Springs, director of corporate services Clair Lee told The Observer. The district’s water infrastructure is divided into three water supply systems – Agassiz Townsite, Mount Woodside and Rockwell Bay Estates. Each system is designed to handle current demands in their respective areas, even during the summer. However, as each of these systems have different thresholds, it becomes complicated to establish an overall set of restrictions.

RELATED: Just a reminder: Harrison Hot Springs water restrictions now in effect

There is a bylaw structure in place in the event that water restrictions do need to be put in place in the District of Kent. The council can issue a notice prohibiting or limiting certain water uses to any or all residents and businesses in the district; these restrictions are broken down into four stages, ranging from water restrictions from Oct. 1 to April 30 to prohibiting lawn sprinkling and garden irrigation altogether, depending on the severity of the situation. Offenses against water restriction bylaws could carry heavy fines with each day of violation being a new offense; penalties could be up to $10,000 per violation.

Harrison Hot Springs regularly implements water restrictions during the peak tourism months, from June 1 to Sept. 30. This usually entails restricting lawn watering and asking residents to limit non-essential water use. Similar to the District of Kent, these restrictions are designed to protect the village’s water supply for household needs and any needed fire protection.


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About the Author: Adam Louis

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